The idea of the series of four posters is based on one of the basic elements of cinema and image: the idea of the frame.
The film frame is the field of the frame ‘maestro’, the director, who uses it to form the pictures, the shots of the film he envisioned. The frame is part of the reality and also the base of fiction filmmaking. Within its borders, big and small miracles are produced and deduced.
Every film frame and every shot “is essentially an artistic product different from the objective reality” [Rudolf Arnheim]. Every film frame and every shot are also time fallacy. According to the father of space-time “The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” [Albert Einstein].
The photos are taken at the wider area of Thessaloniki (Thermaikos Gulf, western districts, terraces in the city center, pier in Aretsou). They also have the light and the atmosphere of the November festival.
Design: Red Creative, Photos: Simos Saltiel
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